Sunday, December 29, 2019

Terminating a lease - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 984 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Did you like this example? The situation that has arisen in regards to the property, and subsequent town planning of the area, has presented a number of issues in regards to the possible renewal, or termination, of the current lease agreement. It has been mentioned that the current agreement for part of the property is due to end in May 2006; however the future of the industrial estate is unclear in the short to mid term. The other property (small units) is currently unoccupied, and the client wishes to earn income from them without committing to a long term lease (i.e. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Terminating a lease" essay for you Create order no further than 2011). Therefore it can be concluded that the ideal result would be to terminate the lease on the large ex-agricultural property so as to consider immediate redevelopment in line with the B1 zoning on the UDP, while producing short term leases that will generate some income (at least) while the other property is being redeveloped. In regards to the termination of lease agreements, there can only be termination if one of the relevant provisions of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 are satisfied. These are outlined as follows: The tenant issuing a notice to terminate under section 27; The landlord issuing a notice to terminate under section 25; The tenant requesting a new tenancy under section 26; By mutual agreement between landlord and tenant for a new tenancy, which would annul the current arrangement.[1] These statutory provisions become problematic in this scenario, as any notice served by the landlord to terminate the agreement must be served during a period of 6 to 12 months before the specified termination date of the original agreement. Therefore in this case, under the Act, the landlord cannot prevent the tenant from applying for a new tenancy given the lease ends in May 2006, but may challenge it based on one (or more) of the seven grounds in section 30(1). The most relevant to this case would be the ability to challenge any further requests by the tenant for a new agreement, on the basis of the landlord’s intention to undertake substantial construction and works on the site, which could not be performed unless the landlord had occupancy of the site.[2] Under common law, the landlord is required to provide proof of intention to the Court at the time of serving his counter-notice,[3] which can be demonstrated by providing proof of the local planning and zoning regulati ons that show the new zoning of the land. Should this avenue be explored, the landlord would also be entitled to apply to the Court for interim rent pending resolution of the lease, under section 24A of the Law of Property Act 1969. The rent is then paid from the date of the landlord’s counter-notice, as that is the later date of the two notices.[4] Given that the purpose of the termination of the lease is primarily for the landlord’s purposes, the question of compensation arises. Under section 37 of the Act, a landlord who succeeds in terminating the agreement under paragraph (f) of section 30(1) is required to pay compensation to the tenant. Given the original lease was a 15- year agreement, the compensation is due to be twice the value of what it would be for a tenant that might have had occupancy for less than 14 years,[5] which may be a point of reference for future lease dealings. In regards to the small units, it appears that a short term lease would be a goo d option, as long as the agreement provided an escape route for the landlord if the future of the property was not in favour of the tenant come 2011. Under the section 24 of the Landlord and Tenant Act, short-term agreements are not subject to the same termination provisions as longer term leases. This period is a term of 6 months.[6] One suggestion might be to negotiate ‘mini-leases’ with potential tenants, as the Landlord and Tenant Act does not apply to such short agreements. This might allow tenants to use the property for temporary or emergency purposes, and will avoid the landlord from having to pay compensation at the conclusion of the lease. These leases could then, obviously, be renewed every 6 months, and will only be subject to the law of contract, and subsequent contracts could only come into force by mutual agreement. It would be important, however, to ensure that every 6 months the new contract would annul the previous one, so as not to carry over into the jurisdiction of the Landlord and Tenant Act. This would give the landlord adequate flexibility to lease the property as he sees fit then, pending redevelopment, may be able to recommit to longer-term arrangements in the future. In summary, the two plans for the property that have been discussed seem to bode well with the landlord’s intentions. It gives the landlord the ability to terminate the agreement on the first property to immediately redevelop it in line with planning regulations, while also being able to generate short-term income from the other properties. The proposed solution demonstrates sound management of the estate, which is in the best interests of the landlord. While there is compensation to be paid, it is more beneficial for the landlord to have to pay this now rather than during the mid-term of a 15-year lease agreement. It is not recommended that the landlord enter into a new agreement on the ex-agricultural property at this stage, as a new agreement wo uld see the Landlord and Tenant Act apply, and the process would need to be repeated, including compensation. Therefore, immediate redevelopment is recommended, while leasing out the six small units in 6-month contracts. Bibliography KÃ ¤lin, CH, International Real Estate Handbook (2005), West Sussex: John Wiley and Sons Limited. Stapleton, T, Estate Management Practice (1981), London: The Estates Gazette Limited. Landlord and Tenant Act 1954. Law of Property Act 1969. 1 Footnotes [1] Tim Stapleton, Estate Management Practice, 97. [2] Landlord and Tenant Act 1954, s 30(1)(f). [3] Stapleton, as above n 1, 99. [4] Stapleton, as above n 3. [5] Ibid. [6] Ibid, 97.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Entrepreneurship And Innovation Jim Poss Case Study Essay

Kohl Kriewall Entrepreneurship Innovation Jim Poss Case Study Jim Poss, a resourceful young entrepreneur from Duke University, recognized the world moving towards a greener future at an early age. With his knack for inventing and background in environmental science, Jim worked towards his goal to create an energy efficient trash compactor. Along with some similarly minded partners on board, their intelligence and determination paid off and granted them success in their venture, Seahorse Power Company (SPC). New businesses come with hurdles, yet Jim Poss and his team proved to have the strength to overcome them. Apply the Timmons entrepreneurship framework (entrepreneur-opportunity-resources) to analyze this case. From the start of Seahorse Power Company, Jim recognized the growing need for environmentally friendly devices and seized this opportunity. Like some of the other case studies we have gone over in class, his engineering start-up executed a solution to a problem. In this case, he exploited the problem of this society’s major dependence on oil. Seahorse Power Company worked towards creating an economically viable solar trash compactor. To capitalize on this green opportunity, Jim started off by working on an independent study to examine the trash industry. His findings proved major companies were spending way too much money on trash removal, and Jim and his partners soon began chipping away at their venture. Indeed, The Timmons framework explains that all three

Friday, December 13, 2019

Shutter Island Scene Reviews and Diagnosis Free Essays

Psychological disorder: Grandiose and Persecutory Delusional Disorder Movie title: Shutter Island Movie rating: 3. 5/5 Character name: Teddy Daniels (Aka. Andrew Laeddis) Actor’s name: Leonardo DiCaprio Andrew Laeddis’ wife went insane and drowned their children, so he murdered her. We will write a custom essay sample on Shutter Island Scene Reviews and Diagnosis or any similar topic only for you Order Now He feels guilty about neglecting to get his wife help, which could have saved their children, and guilty about killing her as well; the two of these add up heavily on his conscience, so much so that he creates an alternate personality (Teddy Daniels) to get away from the terrible reality that is his life. I will refer to him as Teddy throughout my character diagnosis. Scene one: Teddy experiences a nightmare about his wife. The fire symbolizes not only how she first tried to commit suicide, but also the death of his sanity. The nightmare begins with his wife scolding him about his drinking problem, which is a repressed regret that only comes out in his dreams where he is vulnerable. She says she never left, and she walks to the window where you can see the lake; the one where she drowned her children and was murdered (by Teddy) at. She tells him he needs to wake up, but she really means he needs to see reality, she says she’s not really there, and that he needs to face that. She says â€Å"Laeddis† is still there, which is who he was before he invented the Teddy persona to avoid feeling the guilt, since he would inevitably blame himself for their deaths. Scene two: Teddy has a flashback about his traumatic experience in Germany during World War II. He has post-traumatic stress disorder from his time spent there and his repressed memories span from killing guards to seeing thousands of innocent people turn to frozen corpses. He has guilt, shame and self-hatred induced psychosis from his involvement in the war. He sees his nurse (he replaces the image of his wife with the image of his nurse because it’s easier to handle) and his deceased daughter, she is a symbol of his guilt for neglecting his wife’s mental problems. If he had have done something about his wife, his children would not have died. Scene three: Again Teddy replaces his wife with his nurse to avoid further pain and she asks him to help her. He picks up his daughter and she once again is a symbol of guilt as she asks him why he didn’t save her. He said it was too late by the time he got there, meaning physically to the scene where his children were murdered as well as meaning that he was too late in getting help for his wife who was visibly losing touch with reality. Scene four: Teddy talks to his old friend, who he remembers, but he does not understand still that he was a patient at Shutter Island along with his friend. He does not remember beating up his friend, even when his friend says he looks so bad because of him. Teddy stays stuck in his other personality, which is a common trait of borderline personality disorder. When he is in one identity, he shows a complete amnesia for his other identity. He created a fictional life for himself, with fictional characters to go along with the story. He tells himself his wife died in a fire, when he really murdered her. He blames â€Å"Andrew Laeddis† (who is himself) for being the one who lit the match that killed his wife, which is a metaphor for him being at fault for her death, and the children’s deaths. He is in a constant search for Andrew Laeddis, saying he’s the secret patient at Shutter Island, and his imagined wife tells him to kill Andrew. He wants so badly to get rid of his past self, because he would rather live without feeling the guilt. His friend says he can’t deal with the truth and kill his old self at the same time, he makes the point that he’s fighting against himself. When his friend mentions his deceased wife, and repeats saying â€Å"let her go†, Teddy hallucinates that she is present in the room. His friend knows he’s seeing her, and is clearly distressed, he knows his delusions will be the death of him. He snaps out of his alternate personality for a moment and says that he can’t let her go. Knowing that Teddy was and still is technically a patient of Shutter Island, he warns that Teddy will never leave the island. How to cite Shutter Island Scene Reviews and Diagnosis, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Leadership Emotional Spiritual Intelligence

Questions: 1.Briefly explain two key leadership and or organisational challenges in your organisation. Critically evaluate the effect of these challenges on individuals, teams and your organisation as a whole? 2.suggest an applicable leadership style or theory to Bayer UK and your organisation. Recommend the most appropriate leadership theory to address the two key leadership or organisational challenges in your organisation? 3.Compare and contrast Bayer UK and your organisation. Explain why you think this leadership theory will be beneficial for your organisation? 4.Critically examine the key obstacles preventing your preferred leadership theory from being effectively applied in your organisation? 5.Generate key practical recommendations to overcome these above-mentioned obstacles. Your response should also explain what behaviour and or attitude you are going to change to ensure that your preferred leadership theory will be effectively implemented in your organisation? 6.Critically explain the importance of having a clear purpose on a personal and professional level. Describe your purpose is in life. Critically analyse the extent to which you are living your purpose on a personal and professional level? 7.Critically explain the importance of values at Bayer UK at a personal and professional level. Prioritise and list the top five values that are most important to you. Critically review the extent to which you are living and applying these values at a personal and professional level? 8.Identify and explain one core shadow or self-limiting belief that is preventing you from performing optimally in your organisation. Critically evaluate the effect of this self-limiting belief at a personal and professional level? 9.Identify a supportive or helpful belief from one leader at Bayer UK. Develop your own supportive or helpful belief to replace your shadow belief. Explain how youwill ensure that this belief is internalised? 10.Briefly explain a key problem that you are experiencing with a colleague and which is impeding effective performance in your organisation. Identify and critically explain a relevant emotional intelligence model or tool that could be used to analyse and resolve this problem? Answers: Introduction Leadership skills are one of the most prominent factors that decide the best operations of any service. It aids in regulating, managing and maintaining the organizational practices. Therefore, the organizational behavior is a direct impact of the leadership practice. This is applicable for any kind of business activities, whether small ventures or start-ups. The leader is technically the captain of the ship who regulates all the activities of the concern. This study analyses the comparison between two organizations, Bayer and Elegance, with their appropriate choice of leadership style. Bayer UK is one among the most reputed organization in the field of the chemical experiments and sustainable products. The immense labor and innovation, which it applies in production, makes it a unique organization. Elegance Limited on the other hand, is an Australian base organization dealing with the production of a range of healthcare and beauty products. Elegance Limited promotes and makes beauty products that defies beauty standards and dismisses any kind of discrimination. It has a successful haul of 17 years and continues to serve its million counts of clients by formulating and launching new and useful products. There are a number of relevant circumstances to support the comparisons and review of the leadership methods for the two particular concerns. 1. Any organization operates on a specific framework. The organizational structure functions according to this module. It aids in regulating, managing and maintaining the organizational practices. This is applicable for any kind of business activities, whether small ventures or start-ups. The name of my organization, Elegance Inc. deals with beauty and healthcare products based in Australia. Established in the year of 2000, it has surpassed the test of time for the last 17 years. The formation of the company was possible as one of the most revolutionary period. Over the last couple of years, Elegance has had a very successful establishment in the beauty and healthcare industry. Right from extensive build up of the business, inclusion of a large range of products and significant expansion in some recent years, Elegance has definitely been catching up with all the competitors. Elegance promotes beauty products that defies beauty standards and dismisses any kind of discrimination. Over the last few months, Elegance has included digitalization in its operation that has obviously caused certain impacts within the organizational structure. Despite its considerable inputs to the business, the organization faces a number of challenges. The number of organizational and leadership challenges that have occurred in my company are as follows: Strategies for coping up with the recurrent drive for the trends in the market: Globalization is one of the important factors on which the business impacts depends (Day et al. 2014).In fact coping with the recent drives for including and formulating innovative products means successive involvement of a lot of young minds and faces. The individuals who have more acceptance and insight about the recurrent trends of the market and knowledge of the upcoming revelations in the cosmetic industry will be more beneficial for the business of my organization. Therefore, a crisis like this has responded with disappointment from the present number of employees. There is a visible reason of concern cited by the employees on the dissatisfaction for including a bunch of new workforce. All the departments, in effect to that there has been coordination problems between the respective teams who are divided on this idea. Leadership challenges in regards to new methods and applications: As mentioned earlier, Elegance has recently shifted to their digital mode in all of its aspects. The objective of expanding its business in the global market over the period of next five years has held to the virtual maximization (Chemers, 2014). All the employees have not readily accepted it, which has risen in changing some leadership theories at its business operation. Due to this phenomenon, there have been new methods and applications in the strategies that have resulted in many adverse situations among the employees. In spite of accepting and welcoming the initiatives of training and development in dealing with technology, the employees are posing as threats. Laissez-faire type of leadership has been very eventful in our organization but the current situation includes the need for democratic leadership skills (Gregoire and Arendt, 2015). 2. Applicable leadership style for Bayer UK Bayer UK has been one of the most consistent performers in the agriculture sector. It has been operating from the year 1968 in Germany and United Kingdom. The contributions of Bayer UK in agrarian and sustainable development have been regarded as the success factors for Bayer in its long run. The Grid Model and Role Theory introduces to the technical aspects of the leadership style. It is the historical study conducted on leadership management. The suggestive applicable leadership style for this organization is Laissez-Faire theory (Einarsen, Aasland, and Skogstad). In fact interviews and studies have cited as the reason which suggested openness and authenticity being the main reason for the cooperative organization structure by of Bayer UK. Earnestness and naturalness are the two key factors that determine the selection of this kind of leadership for Bayer UK. According to Adam Smith, the term laissez-faire, It is regarded as the way to unleash human potential through the restoration of natural system a system unhindered by the restrictions (Wong and Giessner 2015). Leadership theory includes some aspect of the concepts of leadership management. The paradigm takes into view the major motivation, comprehending powers; understand capacity, predictions, and other relevant factors that are useful by virtue of leadership. One can analyze leadership theory in three aspects: organizational, individual and group activities. In the words of Lussier and Achua (2015), the leadership paradigm integrates the various factors like trait, contingency, integrative and behavior. It involves the people as regarded by the Managing Director, in all its activities and its social standing. The task and relationship oriented style have been assessed through the relevant theories in a private setup. The witness of the interviews by the employees of Bayer UK reveal ed that the organization functions in a close-knit system that can be further enhanced in the form of the participatory leadership methods (Dinh et al. 2014). The suggestive applicable leadership style for Elegance Inc. The pre-defined characteristics possessed in the Leadership Practices Inventory Services introduced by Barry Posner and James Kousez is a relevant feature that has been established by Bayer UK. The transformational leadership theory can also be easily be followed by Bayer UK and Elegance Inc. can follow the Transformational Leadership Theory. According to Bass, it was studied and the research was followed in the year of 1960, which reflects on the positive influence of the leader (Lussier and Achua, 2014). As opined by Kurt Lewin in 1930 the Participative Leadership involves all the theories that take into consideration of the skills and practices of leadership that are essential in a private set up. Participatory leadership can be defined by the theory in which everybody is given the chance to contribute, ideologies are shared and conversations are encouraged. The democratic process focuses on group activity and equality by leading the group with guidance, management and control. Th e leader possesses the democratic powers that help deciding significant decision with a unanimous situation rather than the free will of individual decisions that has ill consequences ( Minor, 2015). In fact while interviewing one of the employees, of Bayer UK they reassured the job satisfaction criteria. According to Daft (2014), the complete leadership experience is only successful if the practices have been followed accordingly. In order to address the two key leadership and organizational challenges, the suggestive tools for reducing the challenges are Strategic Contingencies Theory. D.J Hickson that was established in the year of 1951 who proposed it (Dinh et al. 2014).It allows strategies that must be effective so that the alternative plan for solving the current issue and derogatory outcomes can be avoided in case of emergencies. The leadership theory proposed By Hickson can be applied for enhancing group effectiveness and helps in creating more cooperative and holistic environment. In fact the reason for choosing this model is for minimizing the redundancy in the name of productivity that has affected the behavioral attitude of the employees. The implementation of leaders hip theories must be applicable in a practical scenario like Elegance Inc. and Bayer UK. 3. Comparison between Bayer UK and Elegance Inc. in different leadership style There are numbers of existing leadership style that are respectively being followed by different organizations. Often these leadership styles portray the effects and reflect the organizational behavior of the concerned (Buchanan, 2016). While the suggested leadership style for Bayer UK is Laissez Faire, on the other hand Elegance Inc. should follow a democratic leadership in order to minimize the current organizational challenges. This is the suggestive style for Bayer UK because according to the Managing Director of Bayer, It seems that in every decision they make they are thinking, well this is what we need to do, how can we do it and benefit the employees at the same time. The concept of caring about all the employees and prioritizing their advantage along with profit maximization is the way in which Bayer UK operates. Give the people the freedom to do their job is what the Managing Director opines about his vision of the workforce which will include all the determinants of the organization (Daft, 2014). Elegance Inc. has to bring about a drastic change in their leadership style. According to the current requirements of the organization, democratic leadership must be involved within our business operations it (Van, 2014). It entails the views of both the management as well as the employees but there must be a certain control over the power being handed over to the workforce. In fact, the unlimited control that gives positive feedbacks and leads to the cooperative set up for Bayer UK becomes detrimental for the productivity for Elegance. There is an equal share of domination and participation in the employer-employer relationship (Van, 2014). Elegance has maintained one of the most competitive market players. It will lag behind among its contemporaries that cannot be dissolved due to some rigid intentions of the employees. This reflective view can be supported for the democratic and strategic contingency leadership to be followed by Elegance Inc. It it will enable them to establish innovations despite all the various inputs that have resulted in the current state of dissatisfaction. The theory focuses on leadership skills that will enable the best of opportunities to be viable for the organization (Chemers 2014). The flexibility factor is very crucial which must be achieved within the organization. Therefore, in order to make the conditions more feasible in the organizational structure of Elegance the management must ascertain the particular leadership skills. 4. In spite of its successive run, there are some organizational and leadership challenges that cover all the discrepancies of the business operations (Haslam, Reicher and Platow 2014).The key obstacles in incorporating the preferred leadership style in my organization are the current situation of Elegance Inc. Therefore the challenges that have emerged due to the independent and sovereign state which has been provided to the workforce has backfired to effect the attitude of the employees in accepting the innovative changes that can be incorporated for the betterment of the organization. If I want to adopt the Laissez faire policy then, it is quite visible that it will not be an agreeable decision between the employer and employee. In regards to the perspective of the CEO, I will try to make initiatives and regulations which will help in making the workplace and the organizational structure more feasible and favorable for all the employees, but often the employees themselves probes a s problems who will deny the entry of new and innovative human resources or technologies (Chemers, 2014). The conventional mindset is becoming a challenging affair to implement the considerate and best rule of leadership. It is very proactive and the decorum or the policies of the organization through it. Another major obstacle is the current scenario where all the competitors of Elegance Inc. have made the significant transformations in their workspace. Therefore, in the attempts to involve the positive leadership style my company needs to buckle up which can only be brought about in a cooperative scenario. 5. The key obstacles that are being faced by the organization is that the employees were not being able to accept the changes in the organization. They have settled in one type of environment and were not ready to change the way they perform. The employees should feel that they are a part of the organization. As a result, the democratic leadership style will be best suited in the organization like Bayers UK. Democratic leadership style entails mutual voice and representation of all the members of the organization (Wong and Giessner 2015). They are involved in the major decision-making which be used for the benefit of the whole firm. The employees feel connected with the organization. Once the employees are being able to voice their support or protest, they will be able to comply with the changes in the organization. All the successive changes shall include in the final draft of the organization. In fact applying the democratic leadership style will save time and money. Rather than making the changes after the implementation of the change, it is better to involve the employees and then implement the change. If the employees are being involved in the decision-making process, they will know the reasons behind the change and they will understand the importance of the change. Even if they do not like any factor in the change, they will be able to voice their concern. However, there would be s upervisor who would look after the employees and the decision are taking in the organization (Day et al. 2014).The leader or the department heads scrutinize the decision and the legitimate reasons behind it, which the employees make. The implementation of the demands of the employees will only be possible under many conditions. The decisions have to be feasible and accessible. The presences of the leader will be present to negotiate with the employees if there is any scope. Once the management has submitted to a decision, there should be no scope for negotiation. There will be productivity as well as satisfaction prevailing together in the organization. 6. It is necessary to have proper purpose both in professional and personal level. Purpose helps an individual to set a goal for life and plan the objectives of living the life. Setting a purpose in the personal and the professional life is important mainly because it helps in fixing the direction and guidance in life. The person who knows the exact direction and has the guidance to achieve the goal will be successful in future. The person who does not have a purpose will not have any direction and eventually will end up achieving nothing in life. When a person has set a purpose in life, it will help them to facilitate planning to achieve the goals. When a person will have a purpose in the personal and professional life, the same individual will also be able to motivate the co-workers who are working with him or her. When a person is working with a purpose, then the workers will feel motivated and they work in the similar manner. The co-workers will set a purpose and will work to ach ieve their goal. Having a specific purpose in life will also help the individual to take control of the life that he or she lives. The person will come to know the way to live a balanced life. The person will know the things that should be given more importance and the things it need that might not need to achieve the goals that have been set in life. The purpose that I have in my life is too able to be my own boss and want to become friends who are working. until now I have not being successful to be my own boss but I believe that I once I remain focuses on my purpose in life I will be able to start my own business. However, as far as the professional front is concerned, I have been handling the employees who are reporting to me. For the employees who are reporting to me, I try to make them feel at home while they are working. I feel that they should get chance to develop their career while they are working in an organization. As far as the personal front is concerned, I am trying to stat my own business. I am mainly working on my marketing skills as that will help to convince the customers. I am also working on my communication skills and learning to keep a control on my tension. As I get tensed in pressure, I have to work on that as well to achieve my goal. 7. The values that are being applied at Bayers UK can be applied to personal as well as professional level. However, once a person can apply the value in personal level, that individual will be able to apply the same values at the professional level. Following are some of the values that are applied thoroughly at Bayers UK: Taking care of people Servant leader Sense of autonomy Compassion Work in a calm manner When a person is able to take care of the people in twhe society and the surroundings, the same person will also take care of the people in the organization. Taking care of the employees is one of the most important values at Bayers UK. The employees could take their bonus and leave based on their need. The employees can take their bonus as per their ease. It is not necessary that they will be given the money all at one time. In this way, the employees feel secure as they know that their money is safe with the company and they can take them out as per their needs. As the name suggests, servant leader is the one who serve for the employees, yet practice leadership qualities. The employees have a say in the company, their contribution is being recognized, and they have a say in the company. If a scientist has achieved something, then the company does not take the recognition and give the recognition to the employees, as an individual is given all the recognition, they are always ready to innovate and apply their innovation for the enhancement of the business of the organization. As the company are takes care of the employees, they also work for the company considering the place as their home. The employees were asked to work in a calm manner and the leader works in the same manner. They are taught the idea of time management. Out of the values that are possessed by Bayers UK, I have been the servant leader. I work for my employees. I can work in a team work in the company and understand the problems who are junior to me and I feel that the junior employees be treated with respect. In addition to this, I believe in giving people the things that they deserve. I do not claim anything as mine if someone else has found it. Not only the people who are working with me, I try to understand the issues with people I live when I am at home. The value I do not possess within myself working in a calm manner. I have issues with time management and at the end, I have to work in a haste. When the task is not completed on time, there have been issues that were faced by me and my team. This not only hampers my quality of work but I also put my co-employees. I feel that I have to work on my time management skills so that I will be able to complete my work on time. 8. The self-limiting belief that is preventing me from performing well in the organization is the idea that I am not able to manage time properly. I take too much work and me and later find issues in completing the work. However, it has been seen my peers are completing the similar task on time by dividing the task and completing one task at a time. As I am not able to divide the tasks properly for myself, I do not stay calm while I am handling my duty. They might have been able to manage the time but as I panic as I feel that I am not been able to manage the time as effectively as my co-workers are. Eventually, it has given rise to another self-limiting belief within me and that is the lack of communication when I look after the employees. I feel that I am not able to communicate properly regarding the task with them so that one task is done on time. I am not able to handle the situation for myself as I am believing that if I am not able to perform the task on time then they would not be able to do as well. Due to these issues, there have been many problems in the organization and workplace. The problems are rising between me and my staffs even though they know I support them I every step and trust them in everything they do. 9. The work and the working style of Colin Pedley from Bayers UK will help me in fighting the issue with time management and implement a calm behavior. As Colin hail from a place where carrot and stick theory was being used to handle the employee and time has been the only measure to understand whether the employees are performing well. Colin felt that Bayers UK would not be able survive for long and felt the employees are laid back here. However, he found the real reason for such behavior and understood the fact that and the employees enjoy the work that they do in the organization. They are give the time to know the work and then they work on the things that they like. It not only helps them to stay calm but they also enjoy the work. It helped Bayers UK in getting quality work from the employees along with productivity. I got the inspiration from Colin that I have to enjoy the work that I am doing rather than thinking it as duty or work. I take up a lot of work at one time to prove my skills but at the end I end up messing the work the. To prove my skills I take up lots of work that is also out of genre and it hampers my quality of work. I am facing issues regarding the quality of my work as I am not able to keep up with the time and do the work. The idea of Colin helped me a lot to come out of self-limiting belief. I have to understand the type of work that will help me to develop my skills and I would be able to carry out effectively. I also understood that there is no need of carrot and stick to manage the employees. Once the employees will enjoy the work they do, the productivity as the work quality will increase I will also have to talk to my junior employees to know their interest and area of expertise. If they find interest in the area that they are working, they will be given the work that t hey like to do. 10. Recently, some of the inspectors from the overseas came to our office for inspection. We were given specific work to show the progress level of our organization. The main idea of the presentation was to get proper funds from them or the next project of the organization. I gather a lot of information about the past work of our company and started working on the presentation. I tried to incorporate all the information I have and there was a delay in work. On the other hand, a colleague of mine made the presentation way ahead of time and was making the final changes in the presentation. I started feeling that he has not done proper research and will give a presentation that will not have the all the information. I was panicking as the deadline was near and the laid back nature of my colleague started annoying me. I felt that he is not working properly and started questioning his preparation. Initially, it was fine, but when I asked more questions, he denied answering me. I felt that as he has not worked properly, he is trying to avoid the situation. We had fight that not only delayed my work but also resulted in tarnished my relationship with my colleague. The following emotional intelligence model will help me tackle my issues with my colleague: Figure 1: Emotional Intelligence Model (Source: Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee 2013) The issue that I am facing with my colleague is that I am not being able to stay calm, I feel that my colleague should also behave in the similar manner that work for the factors that have given rise to the issues. It panic and start assuming that they might be facing the similar issues as mine. It not only hampers my relationship with the colleagues but also hampers the work quality. My problem is I am not able to stay calm in time of pressure and eventually it gave rise to the issues with my colleagues. I take too much pressure on me and I am not able to cope with the situations. On the other hand, my colleagues manage the things well and stay calm even when there is a pressure in the organization. I felt hat he is not doing his work properly and eventually, I had a conflict. The model suggests that I have to be cal and understand the emotional quotient of other people who are working with me. I have immense respect for my colleagues but as I tend to panic, I feel panicking is the only sign that I am working. I have o respect the skills of the employees as well. I have to understand that they can handle pressure better than me and just panicking will not help me or the company to achieve success in the field I work in. self-awareness is also necessary my case. I have to understand that when others doing the same amount of work the I can also do that my managing time. I have to develop the skills that will help me to manage time and take control over my emotions. If required I also take professional help as well. Conclusion After going through the case study of Bayers UK UK, it can be said that democratic leadership will be the idea leadership practice for any organization. Elegance has been following the laissez faire leadership style. It has been found that laissez faire leadership was giving employees more power and it was becoming tough for the owner to manage the leadership. Hence, they have applied the democratic leadership where the employees will take the decisions but there will be supervisor. On the contrary, Bayers UK UK had been following democratic leadership. The democratic leadership has helped the company to a strong position. While completing the assignment, it has been concluded that every individual should have a purpose in life. I found that I suffer from tension when there is pressure and I lack communication skills. I have faced issues with an employee when we had to give a presentation. It not affected my work but also my relationship with the employee. I decided to follow the path of Colin Pedley who says the tine should enjoy the work he or she is doing. I understoof that I should enjoy my work. 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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Ath Technologies Inc. Making the Numbers Essay Example

Ath Technologies Inc.: Making the Numbers Essay ATH Technologies Inc. : making the Numbers The case of ATH is centered on management taking particular strategic paths in order to achieve the desired organization objective(s). Beginning with the strategy of acquiring market share, Scepter implemented very attractive (personal) incentives in order to achieve this goal. These â€Å"earn out† incentives did indeed push for innovation, growth and market segment but it didn’t put any controls on the amount of spending, thus ultimately leading to major losses. The incentives focused more on personal gain i. . : â€Å"Make the company look good at what ever cost so I can get the pay out† sort of notion. It is a good scheme in terms of promoting for continuous developments and to share know-how and make sure the products succeeded, but it didn’t have any other controls or limitation as to how to go about this. Had part of the incentive scheme be linked to the profitability of the company as a whole, then manager s would’ve been more inclined to control and keep an eye on expenses and the profitability of the company. Same situation happened as the changed their outlook and focused on profitability. All of a sudden in 1992 they change the strategic position to concentrate on profitability. Again they use dramatic incentives to push this focus. Once again employees are more self interested to achieve the goal, at whatever cost, in order to gain the incentive benefits. As in the former strategy, controls to achieve the current goal were non existent. As a result, profitability was met, but at what costs? Costs were reduced by cutting corners in production resulting in product defect returns, loss in customer loyalty and company reputation, which happen to be critical factors for market share growth. Management should’ve at least had certain controls such as minimum specifications and quality checks to ensure that quality of the company’s products were not harmed. Upon receiving the warning letter, management, once again, decides to reinvent the company’s focus into delivering quality products. Here, they developed a company wide customer oriented vision. We will write a custom essay sample on Ath Technologies Inc.: Making the Numbers specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Ath Technologies Inc.: Making the Numbers specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Ath Technologies Inc.: Making the Numbers specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It would have been good if this fundamental vision was in place right at the very beginning of the company’s formation. In the end it is the customers that make the company, so it makes sense to work towards satisfying this customer relationship. To become profitable and achieve market share are secondary objective that can be measured on a annual basis and overall company well being targets can be rewarded with incentives that link into the company’s performance as opposed to individual contribution to the company’s success. Instead of jumping to different achievement goals as problems arise, the visions and beliefs should have been determined first and that would help shape the overall goal of the company. While working towards goals such as profitability and growth, the visions and beliefs help keep employees in line and to some extent control the minimum expectations of the development of products, thus possibly lessen or avoid problems that did arise. The incentive scheme were not properly designed to take into account effects of employee actions and the impact it would have on the company as a whole and other stakeholders. It should some what reflect and reiterate these visions instead of promoting and motivating employees to be self interested in their own affairs and achieving the targets at â€Å"all costs†. All in all, there were minimal controls and checks in place, it was more of a one way push towards the goals and not looking back at what was being sacrificed in the process.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Rubber, Rise of an Essential Commodity

Rubber, Rise of an Essential Commodity Origin and exploration or rubber Many times we do not give any thought to rubber with consideration to its origin. It is evident that rubber originates from a variety of plants. Moreover, high-yield plants are found in native Latin America and the most outstanding ones are Castolloa and Hevea. It is worth knowing that, in the pre-Columbian America, people used rubber for different artifacts like shoes, balls and water proofing. Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Rubber, Rise of an Essential Commodity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This, however, had not been evident anywhere else until after Columbus industrial revolution. Rubber was introduced in Europe in 1492 and used for the manufacture of erasers and balls. Furthermore, there were controversies that it melted in the sun, it also had a bad smell and became brittle in cold temperatures. Nevertheless, it was used for industrial and domestic applications, with Cha rles Goodyear inventing vulcanization in 1839. The products that were produced from rubber include generators, electrical motors and tires. It is evident that there were contradictions involving rubber as related to its exploitation. As it was considered to be high-tech and crude. The trees were cut with machetes and latex dripped in cups after which they were transferred to industries in North America and Europe industries. Britain experienced a mushroom growth of manufacturing industry. Hardships in rubber exploration Among the first products of rubber in Britain were firestone, Goodyear, BF Goodrich and general tire. Additionally, Poverty and calamities like hunger and death resulted on the course of rubber exploitation. At these early years plantations only flourished in Africa, Asia and Oceania. As a result, Henry Wickham imported hevea seeds via Kew gardens in 1876. The Putumayo valley in Brazil had vast numbers of Castilloa trees; however, there were few trappers something that made importation of Chinese and Japanese an option that never happened. In 2007, anthropologists discovered the lost tribe in Peruvian rainforest this included the Huitotos. Liberian conquest of America after 1492 resulted in slavery, genocide and dispossession. The Portuguese started Atlantic slave trade, whereas the entire Hispaniola population died 50 years after Columbus. Walt Hardenburg crossed the Andes in the late 1970 after working on the Panama Canal. Furthermore, he travelled to London to confront the PACO board about the horrors slaves were undergoing.Advertising Looking for report on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is evident from the literature that rubber has come a long way from its discovery, exploitation and use at present. Furthermore, slaves seem to have played a vital role in this process. Rubber was mainly grown in Latin America, Asia and Africa. Thus, the colonialists exploited these resources and developed the current brands of rubber.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Child abuse and neglect Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Child abuse and neglect - Essay Example Child abuse can occur at every cultural line and socioeconomic level (Clark 58). Some of the pivotal reasons for the occurrence of child abuse are lack of resources, stress of caring children, marital conflict, deficiency of maturity and isolation from family. Neglect is the form of child abuse which refers to as the failure of parents to provide child. It can also be considered as the failure of caretakers to provide the fundamental needs of a child. Neglect of a child may include concerns of medical care, education, housing, clothing and adequate amount of food. Lack of nurture, love and adequate supply of necessities for the survival of child are experienced by neglected children. The essential role of child protection service is to investigate the report of child abuse and neglect and assess the risk of harm on child.The goal of CPS is to promote the well-being and safety of children by providing safe

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Vinegar Tom by Carly churchill Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Vinegar Tom by Carly churchill - Essay Example , while Jack, the neighboring farmer of Alice and her mother Joan is continuously fantasizing about Alice, Alice on the other hand is able to engage in promiscuity without any feelings being attached, as characterized by the opening song of the play that goes "A devils woman is never satisfied", to indicate the power of women to engage in sexual relations with men, without attached feelings1. This is where the men in this society have been overcome by the women power of sexuality, and without any other way to defeat them; the men have turned into witch hunting. Therefore, four of the women in the play are accused of witchcraft, starting with Alice, then Joan who is her mother, and then Ellen the midwife for assisting abortion, and Susan who aborts2. Even Betty, the fifth woman in the play is also accused of being mad or ill, simply because she does not want to marry3. All these has been done by men, out of their frustration on being unable to control the power of sexuality in the wom en, even though women are less powerful than those men in terms of

Monday, November 18, 2019

Ethanol Alcohol Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethanol Alcohol - Research Paper Example It is not thus converted for supply to the tissues or cells. Only about 20% of the alcohol is directly absorbed into blood via walls of the stomach while the rest directly goes to the bloodstream by way of the small intestine (Dunlap). A very low dose of ethanol alcohol is just as powerful to affect the brain’s memory and make the processing of new information complicated for the hippocampus. â€Å"Somebody who drinks too much, the next day doesnt remember what happened during that time, but yet at the same time has the ability, unfortunately in certain cases, to drive home after drinking a lot† (Gislason 86). Ethanol affects the energy metabolism of carbohydrates which causes the glycogen level inside the muscles and the liver to recess. Ethanol causes loss of structural tissue because it is catabolic in nature. This effect causes an individual to lose more weight than what he/she may gain from the in-take of calories. This is one of the most fundamental effects sought by the consumers of ethanol alcohol. The fat rather moves over to the trunk and belly leaving the individual with a weaker and skinnier appearance. As a result of the accumulation of estrogen inside the body, men may experience an enlargement of breasts. The degeneration of body destroys their personality and turns a macho man into an irritated person. Consumption of ethanol alcohol can also cause many diseases to occur. Up to 80 percent of alcoholics, however, have a deficiency in thiamine (15), and some of these people will go on to develop serious brain disorders such as Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome (WKS) (16). WKS is a disease that consists of two separate syndromes, a short–lived and severe condition called Wernicke’s encephalopathy and a long–lasting and debilitating condition known as Korsakoff’s psychosis. (NIAAA). Occasionally ethanol alcohol may be employed for

Friday, November 15, 2019

Reviewing The Concept Analysis Of Hope Nursing Essay

Reviewing The Concept Analysis Of Hope Nursing Essay Hope is a fundamental human reaction which assists the individual to foster his life forward, with confidence. In healthcare, hope has been incorporated into the concept of caring (Mayeroff, 1971, p.43). While providing care the nurse deals with various aspects of human life such as physical, psychological and spiritual. So, it is essential to explore the term hope and its relevance in nursing practice. The different perspectives of hope and its relation in nursing practice will be identified in this assignment. Moreover, its application in nursing care as well as the possible issues which can come across when it is applied will also be discussed in this piece of work. Definitions of hope In the old axiom, where theres a hope, theres a life , illustrates that hope is the inspiring power that assists the people to live in present as well as in future. In every walk of life, the spark of hope will facilitate the person to live with greater satisfaction. The term hope comes from Latin root speare meaning to hope. When it is used as a noun, it is a feeling that what one desires will happen. But in terms of verb it is a belief in fulfillment (Stephenson, 1991). There are different perceptions of hope which can be found by reviewing the literature. Miller and Happel (2006) stated that hope is a state of being characterized by expectation for a continued good state, an improved state, or a release from a perceived entrapment. Therefore, the concept anticipation may or may not be found on concrete, real world evidence however, it is based on future expectation which is good. Moreover, hopefulness aids an individual to have a sense of psychological well being as well as to fin d out the purpose and meaning of their life in order to feel their perception which can be achieved in future. Expecting the wellness in future will help the individual to sustain in their life. This expectation could be changed if one has a flexible perception which in turn helps him to adjust with the situation and promoting the capability by improving confidence and psychological wellness which makes a sense of possibility. Hope is also defined as a process, an adventure, a going forward with confidence (Menninger, 1959).In this concept hope is considered as an active process where it deals with persons enduring feelings, actions and relationship which enhances an individual to look forward with confidence. Stephenson (1991) identified hope as a process of anticipation that involves relationship in thinking, acting, and feeling and directed towards the future fulfillment. In this context, the author states that ones life is purposeful when he achieves what he desired. This can be attained by active thinking and connecting it to the feelings. Furthermore, by evaluating the concept of hope, there can be four characteristics evolved, primarily life is valued once the individual gives importance to hope, secondly the hope includes various processes like thoughts, emotions, attitudes and its relationship within the individual. Since hope is future focused the third and fourth attributes consist of present and past experiences of the individual, which also can assist him to expect positive outcome. Farran et al. (1995) concluded the main four components of hope as: The hope is an experimental process of accepting human trials as a part of being human, while allowing imaginative possibilities to occur. Secondly, it is a spiritual /transcends process related with ones faith. Moreover, hoping is a rational thought process based on ones condition linked with reality and needed resources (physical, emotional and social).Finally, it is also considered as a relational p rocess in that hope occur between persons and is influenced by others hope, presence, communications and strength. From the above point of view, when a person confronts tough periods in his life, he can expect something which can bring change in that period. In another view, the hope has a union with faith. During crisis situation, spirituality support a person something to expect good to happen and also strengthen him to be optimistic in his life. Besides, a balanced thinking process brings the perception of hope to the reality. In addition, hope is also a relational process. For instance, if a terminally ill individual shows hopeful thoughts, that will encourage him and also others to cope up with that situation. The concept of hope is also related to endurance, uncertainty, suffering and acceptance (Morse and Penrod, 1999). Therefore, hope is multidimensional with different perspectives like feeling good, confident, spiritual that can comfort the person during threatening situati ons of his present life and encourage him to believe in future expectations. Relevance of hope in nursing practice Hope and caring are interrelated with each other and are considered as an inevitable part in health care practices since hope aids in providing optimal care to the patient. The Pioneer of nursing, Florence Nightingale who walked with the lamp in dark corridors and spread hope and light to the patient explains obviously that the nurse also can bring light as well as hope to the patients life (Hammer e t al.1998). Thus, hope plays its own role in nursing practice. Fostering hope is one of the aspects of the professional nurses role (Roberts, 1978, p.28). It states that the nurse and hope have union in providing nursing care. According to Hammer et al. (2009) hope can be instilled through encouragement and caregivers positive attitude, confidence and confirmative relationship. A good and positive approach of a care giver can elicit the pain and suffering of patient with incurable disease. A meaningful interpersonal relationship enables the nurse to explore more about patients level of u nderstanding and hope in their disease condition. This will further help in giving care to the patient. The feeling of hopefulness can be felt when a nurse or caregiver dispose an appropriate atmosphere (Travelbee, 1997, p.47). According to the above statement, a suitable environment can be provided through effective communication which inspires the patient and his relatives to answer their problem, especially in palliative care (Twcross, 2003, p. 17). In rehabilitation set up, a nurse who cares the patient set a realistic goal with the cooperation of the patient. This will be helpful in restoring and maintaining hope. Setting goal is an integral part of caring for patient with an incurable disease. According to McCann (2002) in a geriatric care, a nurse who spares time to listen to the patient, their explanation, politeness and helping attitudes like just being there, expressing honesty and respect towards patient can bring a positive outcome. It means patient need to feel trust, c onnections and closeness with others. Nurses can achieve this by showing concern towards their patients. Hope also adds quality to life of older people and brings the patient out with a fighting spirit. In addition hope is a fuel that can accelerate the healing process (Visintainer and Seligman, 1983). Nurses have to primarily find out the significance of hope while handling chronically and terminally ill people. Nurses role is not only limited to provide care during illness but also to ensure the well being of the patient. Davison and Simpson (2006) concluded that there may arise certain obstacles in the application of hope in nursing. They include information (more, lack, early), fear, caring a child, caring terminally ill and psychiatric patient, lack of professional and administrative force can hinder a nurse to apply concept of hope in nursing practice. First of all, knowledge about the disease process withdraws a patient to cooperate with the treatment. For example, the termin ally ill patient may hesitate to take medication because they do not have hope in their life. Secondly, the nurse who lacks the knowledge about the treatment and disease process will not be able to inspire hope to the patient. According to Miller (2007) the medical conditions such as pain, uncontrollable symptoms, and social isolation cannot allow a nurse to give hope to the patient. During this suffering even though nurse provide pain medications or other comfort measures to alleviate discomfort of the patient with incurable illness, nurses cannot be able to inspire hope. This will be another barrier. Furthermore, the patient with psychiatric illness and unrealistic hope is other area of concern. It will be a challenging task for a nurse when those people are taken for futile therapies which increase a persons suffering (Taylor, 1989, p.26). Moreover, nurses may feel difficulty when the patient is a dying child (Miller, 2007). The lack of sufficient staffing can be another reason w here the nurse will not be able to attend to all aspect of care of the patient. So, it is important for a nurse to understand significance of this concept and barrier in the provision of care delivery. Conclusion To sum up, the concept of hope has been analysed through common definitions and its characteristics in this assignment. In addition, its significance in nursing practice as well as the possible barriers which can hinder its application in nursing care has been identified in this piece of work. It is evident from the above analysis that hope plays an important role in lives of human being insurmountable obstacles. Knowing the concept hope will be valuable in enhancing the professional capacity of nurses to engage with an individual for whom hope is considered as fragile and recovery is impossible. Besides it also helps a nurse to deliver complete nursing care to the patient. Word count:1550

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

henry ford :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Henry Ford, born July 30, 1863, was the first of William and Mary Ford's six children. He grew up on a prosperous family farm in what is today Dearborn, Michigan. (Teachers D.) It was early on that Henry showed a strong dislike for his farm chores and interests in all types of mechanical things. (Editors 205.) In 1879 at the very young age of only sixteen Henry left home for Detroit the present day motor city.(Ford Motor C.) In Detroit Henry worked as an apprentice to a machinist.(Wik 190.) Returning home to help with farming from time to time he remained in his apprenticeship for 3 years.(Ford Motor C.) In the years to follow Henry more or less drifted in his work such as operating or repairing steam engines, finding occasional work in a Detroit factory, and over-hauling his father's farm implements, as well as lending a reluctant hand with other farm work.(Dahlinger 12.) However In 1889 with the marriage to his wife Clara Bryant he was forced to find a steady job to support them an d worked by running a saw mill. (Teachers D.)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1891, Ford became an engineer with the Edison Illuminating Company in Detroit. By doing making this decision it showed that Ford had decided to concentrate his job and work to industrial pursuits. His promotion to Chief Engineer in 1893 gave him enough extra time and money to devote attention to his personal experiments on internal combustion engines. (Yenne 150.) In 1896 his experiments produced a result; he made a quadricycle that had a steering wheel and a two speed engine with no reverse. (Teachers D.) Although this sounds like a very impressive feat Ford was not the first to build a self-propelled vehicle with a gasoline engine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After two unsuccessful attempts to establish a company to manufacture automobiles, the Ford Motor Company was founded in 1903 with Henry Ford as vice-president and chief engineer. (Editors 9.) The small company produced only a few cars a day at the Ford factory on Mack Avenue in Detroit. Groups of two or three men worked on each car from components ordered in by other companies. (Yenne 45) Henry Ford realized his dream of producing an automobile that was reasonably priced, reliable, and efficient with the introduction of the Model T in 1908. (XXXX) â€Å"This vehicle initiated a new era in personal transportation. It was easy to operate, maintain, and handle on rough roads, immediately becoming a huge success.